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Team Task

End-user’s perspectives deliverables

D2.1 Stakeholder mapping and engagement roadmap (download)

D2.2 User engagement guidebook and strategy for senior citizens (download)

D2.3 Challenges, user requirements and solutions CO-C  (download)

Impact Assessment Report

Pathways for replication

Building an intelligent data management framework & Digital Twins

D3.1 Data Manager Layer. Initial  (download)

Data Manager Layer. Final

D3.3 AI Algorithms and simulation tools. Initial (download)

D3.4 AI Algorithms and simulation tools. Final (download)

D3.5 Big Data Analytics components. Initial (download)

URBANAGE Ecosystem Prototype. Initial

Data & Intelligence

D4.1 CIM Structure definition and Existing components (download)

Integration activities & validating the URBANAGE Ecosystem

D5.2 Initial Platform Prototype (download)

D5.3 URBANAGE Ecosystem Prototype. Initial (download)

D5.4 URBANAGE Ecosystem Prototype. Intermediate (download)

URBANAGE Ecosystem Prototype. Final

Use case implementation and validation Plan

Use case technical validation report. Initial

D6.1  Use case technical validation report. Intermediate  (download)

Use case technical validation report. Final

Communication, dissemination and exploitation strategies of URBANAGE

D7.2 URBANAGE Portal (download)

D7.3 Dissemination, communication and networking report. Initial (download)

Dissemination, communication and networking report. Initial

Dissemination, communication and networking report. Final

D7.6 Standardisation Plan and Report. Initial (download)

Standardisation Plan and Report. Final

Pathways for Embracing New Technologies

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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004590.This website represents the views of the URBANAGE project only.  Read our Terms & Conditions.



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